» Từ khóa: Prokaryotic Cells

Kết quả 1-2 trong khoảng 2
  • Control of Gene Expression

    Control of Gene Expression

    By switching genes off when they are not needed, cells can prevent resources from being wasted. There should be natural selection favoring the ability to switch genes on and off. Complex multicellular organisms are produced by cells that switch genes on and off during development. A typical human cell normally expresses about 3% to 5% of its genes at any given time. Cancer results from genes that do not turn off properly. Cancer cells have...

     23 p pdu 20/10/2012 154 1

    Từ khóa: Prokaryotes, Bacteria and Archaea, Control of Gene Expression, DNA, Cells, công nghệ sinh học, kiểm soát gene

  • Cells


    Notice that the larger cube has more surface area and more volume but less surface area for each cubic centimeter of volume. For any given geometric object (cubes, spheres, etc.), smaller objects have a greater surface to volume ratio (surface:volume) than larger objects of the same shape. Every cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane (discussed below and in the next chapter). Most cells are very small and therefore have a high ratio of...

     45 p pdu 20/10/2012 130 1

    Từ khóa: Cells, Prokaryotic Cells, Eukaryotic cells, Cell Wall, Photosynthesis, Cell Theory

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