» Từ khóa: Oxford

Kết quả 1-3 trong khoảng 3
  • English Grammar - The Oxford Guide To English Usage

    English Grammar - The Oxford Guide To English Usage

    English usage is a subject as wide as the English language itself. By far the greater part of usage, however, raises no ontroversies and poses no problems for native speakers of English, just because it is their natural idiom. But there are certain limited areas --particular sounds, spellings, words, and constructions--about which there arises uncertainty, difficulty, or disagreement. The proper aim of a usage guide is to resolve these...

     220 p pdu 20/04/2012 128 3

    Từ khóa: particular, used with, Oxford Guide, English Usage, Explanation, Exemplification, Recommendation

  • The Oxford Dictionary of New Words

    The Oxford Dictionary of New Words

    This is the first dictionary entirely devoted to new words and meanings to have been published by the Oxford niversity Press. It follows in the tradition of the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary in attempting to record the history of some recent additions to the language, but,unlike the Supplement, it is necessarily very selective in the words,phrases, and meanings whose stories it sets out to tell and it stands as an independent...

     743 p pdu 20/04/2012 124 5

    Từ khóa: dictionary, Oxford University, tradition, Supplement, attempting, Definition section, Subject Area

  • English for accounting

    English for accounting

    English for Accounting is part of the Express Series. It is an ideal course for students in employment, who want to communicate better in English. This short, intensive course can be completed in 25-30 hours, so students make progress quickly. English for Accounting can be used as a stand-alone course, for self-study using the interactive MultiROM, or alongside a coursebook such as International Express.

     66 p pdu 20/04/2012 120 2

    Từ khóa: English for accounting, Evan Frendo, Sean Mahoney, Express Series, business English, Oxford, accounting

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