DNA The Search to Identify the Genetic Material
Discovery of Nucleic Acids - Friedrich Miescher, 1869 Miescher isolated the nuclei of white blood cells obtained from pus cells. His experiments revealed that nuclei contained a chemical that contained nitrogen and phosphorus but no sulfur. He called the chemical nuclein because it came from nuclei. It later became known as nucleic acid. Proteins Produce Genetic Traits - Archibald Garrod, 1909 Garrod noticed that people with certain genetic (inherited) abnormalities lacked certain enzymes. This observation linked proteins (enzymes) to genetic traits. Genetic Material can Transform Bacteria - Frederick Griffith, 1931 When Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) bacteria are grown on a culture plate, some produce smooth shiny colonies (S) while others produce rough colonies (R). This is because the S strain bacteria have a mucous (polysaccharide) coat, while R strain does not. Mice infected with the S strain die from pneumonia infection but